Monday, December 5, 2011

Blood Bowl: BBNA - S5 Mischief Conference Champ/Match Day #1

As I stated in an earlier write up, I've joined two new Blood Bowl leagues. The first of them being Blood Bowl North America in the season five Mischief Conference with an Undead team named Blackmourn's Blazers.

Now there are forty eight teams in this league, making up six divisions. I am in division five, which has been named the Psychotics Divisionand my first game was against a Nurgle team named 'Taint Nuthin!

Match Date: 12-02-2011

This time I'm up against one Beast of Nurgle, three Nurgle Warriors, three Pestigors, and four Rotters versus my two Wights, two Mummies, two Ghouls, and five Zombies. I lost the coin toss, and kicked off to my opponent. I kept three Zombies on the line, supported by a Wight, Mummy, and Zombie on each side of the pitch, with my Ghouls guarding in the back. 

The kickoff resulted in a chance too move my players before he could catch the ball, I tried too Blitz with a Wight, but was quickly stopped by Foul Appearance! How I forgot about that I'll never know since I played a Nurgle team in the Ars Maximus league! I then moved my Ghouls up closer to the line in support.

The ball landed, and my opponent grabbed it up with one of his Pestigors, then quickly tried to pass it to another Pestigor close to the line of scrimmage, and failed, causing a turnover. I tried to capitalize on the fumble, and blitzed a Mummy into one of his Nurgle Warriors to open a hole, however Foul Appearance once again foiled my plan! I wasn't out though, one of my Zombies smacked down a Rotter on the line of scrimmage sending him to the causality box for the rest of the game. This opened a small hole, but it was enough for one of my Ghouls to dodge in, and grab the ball, however I was now in the tackle box of the Beast of Nurgle, and Tentacles prevented me from moving to safety.

My opponent then moved in his three Pestigors, surrounding my Ghoul, and the Beast of Nurgle was also still there, so I tried too pass the ball to my second Ghoul who was just behind the line of scrimmage, but again I'd forgotten about Disturbing Presence, and fumbled causing a turnover. Once again, how I forgot about that I'll never know!

The ball landed right in front of one of his Pestigors, and my opponent quickly tried to secure the ball by blocking all of my players that were near it, and succeeded in doing so, opening a huge hole right in the center of the pitch. Another Pestigor grabbed the ball, and quickly headed for support in the center of the pitch, thankfully though he rolled both down in an attempt to block one of my Wights.

My other Wight blitzed through a Rotter, and moved in on the Pestigor with the ball, followed by two Zombies, a Ghoul, and a Mummy. There was no way that Pestigor was going anywhere with that ball! Not sure why, but my opponent decided to try anyhow, and tried to move his Pestigor out of five tackle boxes, and failed, once again the ball had been fumbled.

I tried to secure the ball, however Foul Appearance stopped a blitz from my Mummy, and Tentacles stopped my Ghoul. I did manage to move my second Ghoul in towards the ball, but after all the blocking I put out, I wasn't able to secure the ball like I wanted.

A Pestigor managed to pick the ball up, move a little, then tried to pass the ball again, and failed. Not sure what my opponent was trying for here, but the turnover put me in a position to secure the ball, and comfortably run it one movement point shy of a touchdown. A Zombie who must have gotten excited at the thought of his team scoring the first touch down sent a Pestigor off to the causality box for the rest of the game as well.

Instead of trying to stop the touchdown with a blitz from his Pestigor, my opponent threw a block with a Nurgle Warrior against a Mummy, and rolled both down. Sadly instead of just scoring the touchdown, I decided to throw a block with my other Mummy against a Pestigor, and rolled both down, unbelievable! Not wanting to blow his chance of stopping the touchdown, my opponent blitzed with his Pestigor into my supporting Ghoul, however my Ghoul dodged the incoming Blitz. 

Not wanting to blow my touchdown, I decided to run the ball carrying Ghoul into the end zone bringing the score to 1-0 on my last turn of the first half of the game. I kicked the ball off, however my opponent didn't really manage anything, but another fumble as he tried to pass the ball once again with a Pestigor, and failed, sending the game into half-time. 

My opponent kicked the ball off to me, trying for what I think was an onside kick, however failed, and the ball was placed into the hands of one of my Ghouls. I quickly formed up a cage, and began my drive up the right side of the pitch, sending another Rotter off to the causality box with one of my Mummies, that makes three players down for my opponent so far. Stupidly however I tried to gang up three Zombies against the Beast of Nurgle, and managed to roll both down which resulted in one of my Zombies getting knocked out.

On the turnover, a Nurgle Warrior raged over the demise of his teammates, and busted off the jaw of one of my Zombies sending him to the causality box, but the Beast of Nurgle rolled attacker down against a Zombie quickly stopping my opponents good fortune! My cage continued it's drive up the pitch, on my opponents next turn though he was able to surround the cage, but then caused a turnover failing a go for it with a Nurgle Warrior. While I wasn't able to move the cage, I did manage to get the ball carrying Ghoul in a safe position supported by a Mummy. My opponent then tried to blitz with the same Nurgle Warrior that caused a turnover, and failed another go for it, causing a quick turn over.

It was time to get the ball into the end zone! My Mummy supporting the ball carrying Ghoul blitzed into the Rotter that was blocking my path, and killed him, forcing him to join the ranks of Blackmourn's Blazers as a Zombie for the rest of the game as I decided not to recruit him after the game ended. I now had a clear, safe path towards the end zone once more. My opponent tried to stop me, but was unsuccessful as I knocked out two more of his players, and ran the ball into the end zone for another touchdown bringing the score to 2-0!

 Tuankhmun the Impaler kills Ian the Distateful

With only three turns left, my opponent wasn't able to get the ball past the line of scrimmage. He had four players in the the causality box, which left the line of scrimmage on his side weakened. I quickly busted right through, sending my Ghouls towards the Pestigor who'd recovered the ball from the kick off, who would also fail another pass, causing a turnover. For the next two turns nothing major happened except for one of my Zombies killing another one of my opponents Rotters when my opponent rolled a both down on an attempted block.

 Quintus the Horrible kills Bob the Boiler

The game was over, and I'd brought home the victory with a 2-0 win! It was a great game, and my opponent was a great sport. I honestly did feel bad for him though, I know exactly what it's like to play a brand new Nurgle team, and take a severe beating like he just did. I took several of them during the Ars Maximus league.  However as I said, he was a great sport, and we both had fun during the match!

After the game I was able to level a Zombie up, and give him Block. I'd also earned enough cash with that victory to purchase my third Ghoul, which I was going to need as my next match in this league was going to be against Wood Elves!

Below are the Blood Bowl Manager league stats, as of right now they are not going to be totally accurate as not all the day one games have been played. However it'll give you a feel for the direction the league is going thus far.