My win over the Bestigor Freebooters was the last game of day two, and an admin immediately validated the game, which rolled the league over to day three. The coach for Full-Field Press asked if I wanted to play our game, and I gladly accepted. So it was back to back league matches for me!
In this game I'm facing Full-Field Press, the Ogre team in our league that was quickly making a name for itself, by not only being in the top five of the standings, but also by beating the ever living shit out of the teams it played (see the destruction of Horn 'n' Scorn in my last Blog entry). Hopefully that wasn't going to happen to me, cause Orcs are tough right? I'm up against four Ogres (one with Piling On ... ouch), and seven Snotlings, versus the Orc team I just used against Bestigor Freebooters.
Match Date: 12-04-2011
I elected to receive the ball, as I figured I could quickly score, and then just keep my opponent from scoring, cause Ogre teams are not meant too win, they are meant to injure other teams right? The ball was kicked, I grabbed it up, and formed up my cage. Then I blitzed a Black Orc into a Snotling hoping to take him out, but the little bastard just dodged, and side stepped away. I held my breath as my opponent opened up with his Ogre who had Piling On, however didn't manage to do the damage he was hoping for. The other Ogres tried as well, but only managed to stun, and push the Black Orcs while the last Ogre was Bone Headed, and couldn't remember what he was supposed to do. The Snotlings moved themselves into various positions of defense, as well as fouling position.
I stood my Orcs up, and then continued my cage drive up the left hand side of the pitch. Once again I tried to take out some Snotlings, but only managed to get a stun, and a push. These little bastards were proving to be more resilient than I'd expected. My opponent continued his attempt at injuring my players, however Piling On failed again, another Ogre failed Bone Head again, and the fouls only managed to stun my down players.
The cage drive continued up the left hand side of the pitch unopposed, and once more I went after some Snotlings, but again only managed a single stun! My opponent wasn't able to do much as two of his Ogres were Bone Headed, and the fouling Snotlings only pulled off a stun. So far my Orcs were doing well against the Ogres bashing them, and the Snotlings fouling them, however I was still holding my breath each time an Ogres turn came up, due to the visual memory of Horn 'n' Scorns CAS box.
Once more the cage continued it's drive up the left side of the pitch, and I was in position to score a touch down totally unopposed, and once more I wasn't able to do a damn thing to the Snotlings. At this point I was getting a little frustrated that I hadn't injured, or even KO'd a single Snotling. My opponents luck wasn't fairing well either, as he didn't managed to get an injury, or KO from the barrage of Ogre blocks, and Snotling fouls once more.
With my Thrower in position to score an easy, and unopposed touch down, I decided I'd hand off the ball off to one of the cage defending Blitzers, as he only needed one SPP point to level, and a touch down would do just that. However my Blitzer thought he was playing a game of hot potato, and placed the ball right back into the hands of my Thrower, amazingly the ball never touched the ground. I then suffered a both down when a Black Orc tried to block an Ogre with the help of a Blitzer causing a turnover. My opponent once again didn't manage to get anything from the Ogre blocking, or Snotling fouling.
Not wanting to risk screwing up my touch down, I decided to just run my thrower into the end zone for the touchdown, bringing the score to 1-0 in my favor. I kicked off to my opponent, trying for an onside kick, the ball landed just past the LoS, hopefully I could recover it fast, and score again. A Snotling recovered the ball, and moved towards the center of the pitch near an Ogre, while the rest of the Snotlings, and Ogres went for more injuries on my players, however they suffered a both down, causing a turnover.
I blitzed through the right side of the LoS, stunning an Ogre, and now had a Blitzer within one square of the ball. I moved a few other players onto the LoS to help with blocking, while keeping two Blitzers, and my Thrower in the back area of the pitch as safeties in case the Ogres decided to throw a Snotling down towards the end zone. My opponent went for a few more blocks, but wasn't able to get the injuries on my players again, however he did setup the Snotling carrying the ball to be propelled towards the end zone.
I moved my two Blitzers, and Thrower into position to hopefully intercept the Snotling that was going to be rocketed by the Ogre towards the end zone, while the rest of my team tried to take out Snotlings, but failed again. Sure enough, my opponent had an Ogre pick up the ball carrying Snotling, and threw him towards the end zone, the little bastard landed perfectly, and ran straight into the end zone scoring a touchdown. So on the last turn of the first half of the game, my opponent had tied the game at 1-1.
With half-time over, I kicked the ball off to my opponent. This time I tried to kick the ball back as far as I could, without it going out of bounds. However Nuffle decided that the ball would land near the LoS again, because that works so well for me last time! My opponent grabbed the ball, and formed up a Snotling cage to protect it, while the remaining Snotlings on the LoS, and Ogres tried to injury my players, but failed. I moved one Blitzer in from the right side of the LoS, while a Black Orc assisted another Blitzer with a blitz that allowed my Blitzer to break through the Snotling cage, right next to the ball carrying Snotling.
My opponent move three Snotlings through a gap that had opened on the LoS, it looked as though he was going to try to either run the ball, or pass it off to another Snotling, however when he tried to move the ball carrying Snotling, my Blitzer knocked him to the ground when he failed his Dodge/Stunty, the ball was loose! I opened up with the same Blitzer that got the ball loose onto another Snotling, and killed him. Finally, ten turns later I actually manage to hurt a Snotling! With the Sneaky Git Snotling dead, I managed to get three of my Blitzers around the ball guarding it, hopefully, I'd be able to recover, and score again.
Ugrpik Elfbane Kills The Sneaky Git Tarnishes The Family Jewels
My opponent wasn't able to recover the ball on his turn, however he did manage to get the ball into a better position when he knocked one of my Blitzers into it, and scatter the ball towards more of his players. I managed to get into perfect position to recover the ball after blitzing through a Snotling, however the greasy fingered Blitzer that was supposed to pick up the ball failed at doing so causing a turnover.
An Ogre opened up with a punch that knocked my greasy fingered Blitzer into the ball, which scattered it even further away from my players, and it was quickly swarmed by several Snotlings. I had no one in range to recover the ball except for my Thrower. Then it happened, what I'd been fearing all game finally happened, an Ogre killed one of my Lineman, however thanks to the speedy action of my apothecary, the death was reversed, and a turned into a Smashed Ankle instead, but the Lineman would suffer a -1 MA for the rest of his carrier.
Uegk Skullsmasher Injured With A Smashed Ankle
I managed to get players near the ball, and was going for a blitz with a Blitzer to hopefully set myself up to actually recover the ball, but messed up! I didn't see the little green Snotling hiding behind an Ogre, against the green pitch, I swear the little bastard was totally camouflaged, and naturally failed to Dodge out of the Snotlings tackle zone causing a turnover. My opponent capitalized on the situation, he knocked another Orc into the ball, which bounced the ball straight into the hands of a nearby Snotling, who then ran the ball straight towards the end zone, and was just a few squares away from scoring.
My Thrower was the only player I had in range to attempt to stop the touchdown, however he'd have to blitz through another Snotling to do so. I blitzed into the Snotling, however the little turd just Dodged away, but I did manage to get my Thrower on top of the ball carrying Snotling. I then suffered an attacker down roll with another Blitzer causing the turnover. My opponent then Dodged out of the tackle zone of my Thrower, and ran the Snotling into the end zone scoring a touchdown, bringing the score to 1-2 in my opponents favor. Ugh!
My opponent kicked off to me, and I recovered the ball. There were only three turns left, and I had little hope of scoring again, unless I moved the ball as fast as I could. So I moved my Thrower as far as I could, and decided to throw the ball to a Blitzer who would then hopefully be able to move the ball further, however my Thrower Scattered the pass. My opponent went for more injuries with blocks, and fouls, but once more failed to get any.
I tried to recover the ball with my Thrower, who immediately dropped it right back down on the ground, causing the turn over. Thanks Nuffle! My opponent tried for more injuries, but actually caused one himself on a both down roll. I finally manged to pick up the ball again, and again went for the long bomb pass, and it was a success, however it was to little to late. The only thing I managed to get was some SPP.
The game was over, and I'd lost to the Ogres. It was a intense game for sure, and I managed to get some decent SPP as well, which brought my Thrower up to level 3, and he gained Leader. This loss however dropped me down to fourth place in the standings.
Current Standings
1) Sneaky Jerks (Skaven)
2) Full-Field Press (Ogres)
3) Bro Elves (Elves)
4) Orkago Boars (Orcs)
5) Horn 'n' Scorn (Chaos)
6) Ashes & Dust (Undead)
7) Flaming Geckos (Lizardmen)
8) Night Dragonnes (Dark Elves)
9) Graveyard Hex (Necromantic)
10) Bestigor Freebooters (Chaos)
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