With my amazingly lucky win over the Bro Elves, I was now playing against another Elf team, though it was a Dark Elf teamed named Night Dragonnes. I figured I'd try to use the same tactics I used against the Bro Elves to bring home another victory, however I wasn't quite sure it'd work the exact same as Dark Elves are a bit tougher than the other Elf teams out there.
Match Date: 12-13-2011
I elected to receive the ball, and holy crap was it a kick! This is probably one of best kicks I've seen in a Blood Bowl match. The damn ball landed in the far left hand corner of the pitch, it was pretty incredible. Horrible for me, incredible for my opponent. It literally took me one whole turn just to get near the ball. On the LoS my Black Orcs were not able to get anything, but pushes, while a Linemen blitzed, and cause a turn over by rolling attacker down, and attacker down again on the damn RR causing the turnover. There was nothing I could do to stop the wave of Dark Elves that were about to cross over the LoS.
I grabbed the ball, and started moving up the left hand side of the pitch. The cage formed around my Thrower with my Blitzers. I tried to blitz a Black Orc into my opponents Witch Elf, hoping to take her out, but Nuffle decided otherwise, as I rolled attacker down, and attacker down again on the RR causing yet another turnover! This game wasn't starting out well for me.
My opponent proceeded to tear apart my Black Orcs on the LoS with seven of his Linemen, plus the Witch Elf while keeping three other Linemen in the way of my cage, but out of punching range. Lucky for me he was only able to get stuns on the Black Orcs, but with that many Linemen on the Black Orcs, they were going to be hard pressed to support my cage.
I wasn't able to move my cage very far as I ran into the three Dark Elf Linemen blocking it's path. I was able to stun one of them off a blitz, but that was it. I stood up my knocked down Black Orcs on the LoS, but was only able to throw one block with one of them, which of coarse I rolled another attacker down on, and had to burn another RR to just a measly push! So far Nuffle was making sure the dice were not going to favor me one bit.
Once more my opponent put all of my Black Orcs on their backs, then moved up several more Linemen to support the attack on my cage. My opponent was able to break part of the cage open, but then rolled a both down, which cause a turnover in my favor.
I thew blocks at the defending Dark Elf Linemen, but wasn't able to accomplish anything. In fact I was only able to move my Thrower one square! At this rate of speed there was no way I was going to be able to score. I then stupidly misclicked one of my Black Orcs out of the Witch Elves tackle zone, and naturally he failed his dodge, and cause a turnover.
My opponent was now able to open up my cage, and with a blitz from a Dark Elf Lineman was able to knock the ball loose from the Throwers hands. Dumpoff triggered, however failed horribly as the hand off was fumbled right into the hands of another Dark Elf Lineman. On the LoS, another Dark Elf Lineman was able to kill one of my Black Orcs, lucky for me though my apothecary was able save him, and he'd be back for the second half of the game.
Lunz Yellowteef Is Killed, But Saved By The Orc Apothecary.
I blitzed into the ball carrying Dark Elf Lineman, but was only able to get a stinking push once more. I stood the rest of my Black Orcs back up, and moved them into coverage. My Blitzers threw out their blocks into the Dark Elf defenders, but were only able to get a few stuns. If I didn't get that ball back, my opponent was going to be able to score with ease.
The ball carrying Dark Elf tried to dodge out of my Blitzer tackle zones, but failed, which caused a turnover. This was my chance to get the damn ball back, and score.
With one of my Blitzers I managed to surf a Dark Elf Lineman, and get a KO. I then moved several Orcs up around the ball forming a cage around it trying to protect it until my Thrower could get there. My Thrower however was in the tackle zone of the Witch Elf, and naturally he failed his dodge roll, and cause a turn over when trying to move towards the ball.
My opponent didn't try to recover the ball, instead he opted to move Linemen all around my cage that was protecting the ball. No significant blocks were thrown by my opponent either during this turn.
Unfortunately my Thrower was laying on his back, and wouldn't have enough movement to recover the ball, so I decided to blitz with him, and clear a path for one of my Blitzers to recover the ball, which was successful. A Blitzer now had the ball, and was protected by another Blitzer, and Black Orc. While the rest of my team was providing man to man coverage on the Dark Elf team.
My opponent tried to dodge a Lineman out of a Black Orc tackle zone, and failed. This was the turnover I needed, as I still had a chance to score, or so I thought!
Stupidly I didn't realize what turn it was, it was now the top of the eight turn, there was no chance in hell I could score. I couldn't run it, or pass it. Basically I screwed myself. I should have been more aggressive in recovering the ball previous turns, and then I might have had a chance. So the only option I had was to punch Elves, and that didn't work either as I rolled another attacker down on my first block, and didn't have any RR's left!
There really wasn't anything my opponent could do either except throw a few blocks, which didn't amount to anything, but a few stuns. With that the first half of the game came to an end. The score was 0-0.
I kicked off to my opponent, and lucked out by getting a blitz! I quickly moved my Orcs across the LoS, and blitzed with a Blitzer stunning a Dark Elf Lineman. I had to get that ball!
My opponent placed the ball into the hands of his Runner after the touch back, and then decided to blitz with his Witch Elf, but rolled an attacker down, and another attacker down with the RR. Perhaps Nuffle took pity on me as I needed this turnover badly.
Nuffle giveth, and Nuffle taketh away! As I was opening a hole in the LoS for my Blitzers to run through towards the Dark Elf Runner, I rolled attacker down, and then a both down on a RR with a Lineman. So much for capitalizing on that last turnover like I'd hoped to.
Wisely my opponent formed a cage around his Runner, and the started to chip away at my defense on the LoS. He managed to get a few stuns in, but nothing more than that. The Dark Elf cage was now on the LoS, so again I had another chance at getting the ball if I could break through that cage.
A few blocks there, a blitz there, and I was able to get a Blitzer, and Black Orc on top of the Dark Elf Runner after busting through my opponents cage. Unfortunately I didn't get any other significant blocks that would help. Hopefully I'd be able to get that ball, and score on my opponents drive, however Dark Elves are sneaky gits!
My opponent opened up by throwing a block onto a Blitzer on the left hand side of the pitch, which stunned him, and opened a small hole in the LoS, and that's all the Elves needed. In typical Elven shenanigans, my opponent was able to dodge his Runner out of two tackle zones, run the ball, hand it off to his Witch Elf, which then ran the ball halfway towards the end zone. My Thrower who had been playing safely this entire time was in range to blitz the Witch Elf, however a Dark Elf Lineman then moved up on him preventing that.
I managed to get a Blitzer up on top of the Witch Elf, and had a Black Orc blitz into the Dark Elf Lineman blocking my Thrower, knocking him down. I then moved my Thrower onto the Witch Elf as well, along with two other Blitzers that were short one square each. I decided to try to dodge a Lineman out of a tackle zone, to get him onto the Witch Elf as well, but failed to do so causing the turnover. Hopefully my Blitzer, and Thrower would be enough to stop the Witch Elf from scoring. I just needed her to fail that dodge roll!
Once more Elven shenanigans prevailed as the Witch Elf easily dodged out of the two defending Orc tackle zones, and ran into the end zone for the touchdown, bringing the score to 1-0 in my opponents favor on the top of turn twelve.
I received the kick, a kick which didn't even make it over the LoS I might add. Formed up my cage, and started moving up the pitch. This time I had plenty of support from my Black Orcs which started punching away at the Dark Elf defense. I didn't manage any injuries, but did manage a few stuns that enabled my cage to move right up to the LoS. Since it was the bottom of turn twelve, I had plenty of time to hopefully score, and tie the game up.
My opponent moved up some Linemen to block the cage, however caused a turnover when his Witch Elf rolled both down while attempting to throw a block into a Black Orc.
I started punching my way through the Dark Elf defenders, opening a way for my cage. I moved the cage up, and blitzed with a Black Orc who injured a Dark Elf Lineman, finally I actually injured someone! My cage was now across the LoS, and it looked like I was going to be able to score.
My opponent fired back, and injured one of my Black Orcs causing a pinched nerve, he'd had to miss the next game. He then moved all of his players outside of any of my Orcs blocking range, smart move on his part, as it was going to slow down my cage.
I was only able to get off one block with a blitz, and it didn't help my situation all that much as I as hardly able to move my cage. The only thing I could do was move my Orcs within blocking range of the Dark Elf defenders.
My opponent didn't manage anything either, except to fail his Jump Up with his Witch Elf, and a dodge with a Lineman causing a turnover.
It was now the bottom of turn fifteen, still had plenty of time to score, and I was in range of doing so. Or at least I thought so. I rolled a both down with my opening block, and didn't have any RR's left, so that cause a turnover.
On my opponents last turn, he only managed to surf one of my Linemen, which only resulted in a stun.
It was now the bottom of turn sixteen, and I had no chance of scoring thanks to that last turnover of mine. The only thing I could do was throw some punches, which resulted in nothing. My final move of the game was a short pass, that resulted in one SPP point. With that the game was over, and I'd lost 1-0.
It was a good game, and my opponent did a fantastic job of bogging down my cages.
It was now the bottom of turn sixteen, and I had no chance of scoring thanks to that last turnover of mine. The only thing I could do was throw some punches, which resulted in nothing. My final move of the game was a short pass, that resulted in one SPP point. With that the game was over, and I'd lost 1-0.
It was a good game, and my opponent did a fantastic job of bogging down my cages.
Somehow I managed to level two Orcs during that game. A Black Orc picked up Guard, and a Blitzer picked up +1 MV. I also had enough cash to purchase some fresh muscle for my team. Now, some coaches out there would disagree at purchasing a Troll, I on the other hand would agree that it's worth it. Sure Bonehead can be a real pain in the ass, but by putting him on the LoS, this frees up another Black Orc to put elsewhere. Not to mention several of my opponents that I'll be playing in the future also have big guys, and I think I'll need that extra muscle.
This loss brought my record to 3-0-2, however I still remained in second place in the league.
Current Standings:
1) Sneaky Jerks (Skaven)
2) Orkago Boars (Orcs)
3) Full-Field Press (Ogres)
4) Bro Elves (Elves)
5) Horn 'n' Scorn (Chaos)
6) Ashes & Dust (Undead)
7) Graveyard Hex (Necromantic)
8) Night Dragonnes (Dark Elves)
9) Flaming Geckos (Lizardmen)
10) Bestigor Freebooters (Chaos)
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