Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Blood Bowl

Let's start things off shall we?

One of my oldest, and latest gaming hobbies has been one the greatest games ever created, Blood Bowl!  Like many older (and wiser) gamers, I started playing the tabletop version of Blood Bowl back in the early 90's at my old gaming haunt, All Star Games. Assembling, and painting the miniatures, and finally being able to play with them on the pitch was an absolute blast. I loved it!

However, I eventually joined the Army, and as time went on, time ran out. I just couldn't find the time to play, let alone paint miniatures. It also didn't help that no one played at any of the duty stations I was assigned to either. 

Heck even when I finally found myself here in Huntsville, Alabama. I still couldn't find anyone that played. Which I found odd, because there were several stores at the time that sold Games Workshop products, such as Blood Bowl. Who knows, maybe I just didn't look hard enough? The point is, Blood Bowl was becoming a distant memory, which fucking sucked. Many years went by, and I never got to play tabletop Blood Bowl again unfortunately, however things would change for the better in the year of our lord 2008 I believe it was!

I was searching for the old Blood Bowl PC game to get my Blood Bowl fix that I'd been drastically missing in life. That day it was as if some angelic force guided my fingers during that Google search, as I happened upon a link for Chaos League! Some brilliant folks over at Cyanide had made an amazing looking game that played just like Blood Bowl, and just named it Chaos League.

Praise be to the baby Jesus, I'd finally found the Holy Grail that I'd been looking for all these years! Little did I know that Satan himself had already defiled all the cookies in the cookie jar long before I reached in to grab myself the fat chocolate chip cookie that was Chaos League!

Turns out Games Workshop wasn't to thrilled that Cyanide had created a game based on one of their most successful game titles. From what I understand, any differences between Games Workshop, and Cyanide were amicably settled for an undisclosed sum of phat cash, but as part of the settlement the Chaos League title was assigned to Games Workshop! 

What did that mean? It meant that no matter how hard I searched for a copy of Chaos League, I couldn't find one. Not on eBay, not on Amazon, NO FUCKING WHERE! Apparently Games Workshop had pulled ALL the copies of the game, and burned them in a huge lake of hot magma! However all was not lost, it also turned out that Games Workshop had given Cyanide a license to develop another computer game based on Blood Bowl that would soon be released in 2009!

When Blood Bowl was finally released in 2009, I didn't purchase it. Why you ask? Despite the fact that I'd gone through all that trouble, and my love for Blood Bowl, the game itself apparently sucked hardcore at the time from everything I'd read about it. It was riddled with bugs, and only released with eight of the famed teams, instead of the known twenty. Eventually Cyanide would release Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition that included all the teams, and tons of bug fixes. However I still didn't pick it up at the time, extra gaming funds were lacking, and I just couldn't afford it.

Then the glorious online gaming entity known as Steam had Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition on sale for $10 bucks earlier this year. Did I buy it you ask? You bet your sweet candy ass I did! And I've been loving it like the hottest piece of poontang to walk the face of the earth ever since! Can I get a witness? Jesus Christ Hallelujah Amen!

I had been playing the single player a lot, however I wanted to dive into a league. I couldn't wait to get into some that action as I'd heard it was a ton of fun. I've been a part of the great Ars Technica gaming community since 2007, and one of my long time friends there Squrf the Angry Albino Squirrel alerted me to the fact that a new  Blood Bowl season was starting up. So naturally I joined, and created my team, Nurgle of coarse, and called called Pestilence Storm, and entered the fray!

So from this point on I'll be documenting my Blood Bowl season games, and include some screenshots hopefully, along with the replays should anyone care to actually watch them!

Until next time kids, and remember Nurglites Unite!

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